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Happy Birthday Canada!

01 Jul Happy Birthday Canada!

We love red, we love Canada and we love to party!  Although we’re in Hong Kong, it doesn’t mean that our Canadian spirit stayed in Canada.

To get this look of lady in red, check out these amazing sellers (mostly Canadians too!):

Here are a few photos as proofs that the Canadian spirit is well and alive 10,000 miles away from home!  Here are a few photos from a Canada Day Party (with a countdown and all!) organized by the University of Toronto Alumni Association UTAA(HK) and the University of British Columbia Alumni Association UBCAAHK in Hong Kong.

Canada Day Party in a "barn-like" club! How appropriate! (Photo by Vincci)

Vincci (wearing the wrong colors) striking a pose with friends

The infamous Maple Syrup drinking contest (Photo by Kallia Ho)

Happy long weekend!

Angee & Vincci

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