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summer Tag

19 Jul Little luxuries in life

We love peonies and there's nothing more powerful than these beauties as they can instantly live up our workspace and our mood! We've got these regal Martha peonies in coral straight from the local flower market and it's worth every cent of the splurge!    With...

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16 May ANGEE W. in Shops!

[caption id="attachment_761" align="aligncenter" width="535" caption="ANGEE W. on sale at HKID Gallery @K11"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_763" align="aligncenter" width="535" caption="Entrance of HKID Gallery, 3rd Floor of K11 Art Mall"][/caption] Champagne for everyone! We are celebrating our first consignment at a local store in Hong Kong.  It has taken us some time...

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